Just before Christmas 2020 I was asked to join the newly established Margaret River Art Studio. It was a breath of fresh air. It came after the town had endured major main street road works for well over a year that coincided with the Covid crisis. Many commercial & dining businesses had closed their doors indefinitely. Times were tough.

In October 2020 long term local Jennifer Gheradi with her sister Geraldine braved the economic climate with the optimistic idea to start an art gallery and jazz up the town. And what a terrific job they are doing! Each week it evolves and morphs, and today showcases a diverse range of quality artworks, and a much needed art supply depot.
"Margaret River Art Studio is a gallery and studio displaying local artists. Margaret River is a hotspot for creative people. You will often find someone painting here as it is a working studio as well as a gallery. You will only find locally made art here - wall art, sculptures, fabrics and jewellery."

Please pop in to the studio next visit. Salt Water & Fire pearl jewellery cabinet contains some of my best work, with some Avant-garde strands, a large selection of earrings and some top shelf South Sea pearl pendants.

#margaretriver #margaretriverwa #justanotherdayinwa #ilovepearls #iloveart #artgallery #art #downsouth #studio #paintings #ceramics #jewellery #local #shoplocal #reallygood
#organicparfume #pearls #southseapearls #avantgarde #artdeco #modern #photography #poetry #honey #familybusiness #classact